KBR Kitchen & Bath

7008 Wisconsin Ave
Bethesda, MD 20815 301-718-2800



Consumer Ratings for KBR Kitchen & Bath — 7 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Doing service properly on first try
Letting you know cost early
Neatness of work
Advice on service options and costs
Overall quality

Consumer Comments for KBR Kitchen & Bath

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Consumer from Bethesda, MD
Oct 22, 2023
Not Recommended
KBR did an $80K kitchen remodel for us. It started out well. We were able to work extensively with a designer before having to sign a contract. The designer was very nice and helpful, even if she was hard to get in contact with and very often did not return calls and emails. Once the work started, it was torture. The 5-6 week project took 5 months, including multiple instances of having to redo particular parts of the project, having to review their work daily (when they showed up - which was frequently not the case) and having to reorder cabinets after the ones they ordered and tried to install didn't fit the space.
Consumer from Washington, DC
May 12, 2023
Not Recommended
My supposedly simply bathroom remodel was by far the work contracting experience I've ever had. The workmanship was poor, the communication abysmal, and the project delayed several months. Most days, the contractor would either not arrive at all or would come hours behind schedule. Major parts of the project needed to be redone two and three times because it was done so poorly or not to code the first time. Four project managers were fired or quit abruptly. KBR cut every corner they could, and I paid the price in time and indescribable frustration.
Consumer from Mc Lean, VA
Apr 23, 2019
good choices of finishes. work crews pleasant, on time, kept me informed of progress. not always easy to reach their supervisor at the firm

...and 4 more consumer comments for KBR Kitchen & Bath