Handyman at Your Command

4938 Hampden Ln
Bethesda, MD 20814 301-556-3948



Consumer Ratings for Handyman at Your Command — 1 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Doing service properly on first try
Letting you know cost early
Neatness of work
Advice on service options and costs
Overall quality

Consumer Comments for Handyman at Your Command

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Consumer from Washington, DC
Nov 02, 2021
Came to Checkbook in 2021 to see if this firm, which I hired once before in 2019, had any recent feedback - was surprised to find none at all (I'd originally found them through Angie's List). As I'd liked their prior work I thought I'd provide a two-year delayed review, for what it's worth. Anyway I needed a few small things done - repair a front step, replace a patio access door, tighten a Newell post (at the bottom of stairs) and enlarge a refrigerator opening. I called a number of neighbor and internet recommendations before settling on this firm, due to a feeling of confidence on the part of the estimator, the fact that I agreed with how they planned to address the issues (Newell post especially), and the cost. Two people showed up on time and knocked out the work in under two hours, working well but briskly (they charge by the hour). Upon showing me the work I had some concerns about the access door and though addressing it took an additional 45 minutes I was not charged extra. I would hire again.