Eide Bailly

4040 Campbell Ave #200
Menlo Park, CA 94025 650-522-3400



Consumer Ratings for Eide Bailly — 3 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Giving helpful advice
Doing work properly
Overall quality

Consumer Comments for Eide Bailly

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Consumer from Palo Alto, CA
Apr 25, 2021
Consumer from Hillsborough, CA
Mar 23, 2021
Jim Newell top of the line
Consumer from Los Altos, CA
Jan 30, 2021
They are knowledgeable and seem to do a good job but maybe pandemic year interfered with service. Some responses were slow, but in an emergency they were there for me. Since the accountant group I was using for many years recently merged with Eide Bailly, their prices went up and the service diminished.